Monday, 29 June 2015

Improve your health without exercises and change in diet

Every now and then we hear from our near and dear about the do's and dont's regarding health. Our doctors say eat healthy foods, eat green vegetables, make exercise a routine, avoid junk foods so on and so forth. However, these are established and accepted universal truths. We often forget that outside this health daily routine (which most of us can't follow properly), there are other simple and fun ways to improve our health. We can always boost our energy in an entertaining way.
There are some unusual ways to boost your health naturally. Though unusual, they are not unnatural, and therefore, quite safe. They have a well based scientific reason which validates their beneficial uses for health. So, this time why not try out these entertaining and exciting health regime that will ward off many of your ailments without medication and some home remedies.
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It is well said that laughing creates wrinkles on a happy persons face but they are worth more than a sad unwrinkled face. So go ahead and follow these weird ways to improve your health. Have a look at some creative ways to improve health.
This may sound like a weird way to improve health to some. However, just taking off your shoes and walking barefoot in the nature can bless you with good health. It's surprising but true that a barefoot walk also known as earthing gives a lot of health benefits. A regular barefoot walk on grass, soil or sand can improve cardiovascular function, reduce cancer risk and prevent diabetes. It also increases antioxidants in our body and improves sleep.
One of the interesting ways to improve health is to spend time in the woods for its therapeutic effect. It has a relaxing effect on the mind when you are away in the midst of trees and nature's beauty. But, science now confirms its healing influence on the body. When you spend a few hours on a woodland hike or camping by a lake you breathe in phytoncides, active substances released by plants. These substances helps lower blood pressure and stress and, helps boost your immune system.
It may seem absurd. However, sitting too much at work is now being blamed for many of the current health issues, including heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Enter the standing desk, which allows you to work on your feet. According to some experts, standing on the job not only counteracts obesity but also alleviates back injuries and pain to boot.
It is one of the best and relaxing fun ways to improve health. Planting a moon garden is good for your health and your soul. Planting night-blooming flowers and foliage can help extend nature's curative powers around the clock. You will also get the added benefit of some moon rays (lunar therapy), which some health seekers believe is the key to cure everything from depression to cancer.
It is one of the interesting ways to improve health even if you are a bad singer. Singing can keep you fit and fine. It's found that people who sing are much healthier than those who don't. Singing has a miraculous effect on our body. It lowers the heart rate, blood pressure and reduces stress and pain. It boosts the immune system and gives a feeling of well-being. It gives a workout to the lungs and tones the intercostal, abdominal muscles and diaphragm which stimulates circulation. So, don't shy away from singing your favorite tune whenever and wherever you want.
Laugh Madly This may seem like a weird way to improve your health but it actually works. As we laugh hysterically, large amount of air is pumped in and out of the lungs which brings lot of oxygen into the body. Laughter helps in the release of endorphins ( chemicals which makes us happy) which boosts the immune system and lowers stress.
A good hearty laugh strengthens your immune system. It increases the level of immunoglobin, a chemical that fights against bacteria and virus. It also exercises our voice box, lungs and diaphragm. Laughing treats constipation too as due to laughing there is movement in the gut which helps in better bowel movement. To get a better benefit, join a laughter club nearby where laughter therapy is used to relieve stress and maintain good health.
This is a surprising way to boost energy and health. Mud is composed of minerals like sulfur, selenium, silicon, Iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, iodine. When wet mud is applied on the skin, its minerals get absorbed in the skin and enter the blood stream. Mud helps in detoxification of the body. It strengthens the immune system and improves blood circulation. It enhances the body's ability to perspire which aids in expelling toxins from the body. It also increases metabolism which burns fats and causes natural weight loss.
Water helps in flushing out toxins from the body which are the root cause of many illnesses. It improves the bowel movement, reduces constipation, increases metabolism and improves appetite. It also strengthens the immune system and enhances mental clarity. It is helpful in avoiding skin problems like acne, dark circles, pigmentation, wrinkles, and excessively dry or oily skin. For this therapy 5-6 glasses of water should be consumed every morning before you brush your teeth and do not eat anything for one hour. Be careful not to consume excess water as it leads to water intoxication.
Coffee has always been blamed for having adverse effect on health but there is good news for all coffee lovers, research has shown that coffee has health benefits like it helps decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type-2 diabetes and cancer. It's also found that coffee instantly raises the blood pressure in people suffering from low blood pressure. It reduces the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's.
It is also one of the most entertaining and fun ways to improve health. Research shows that taking a dip in warm ocean waters can boost your immune system, activate your body's healing powers, improve circulation, hydrate dry skin and increase your sense of well being and relaxation. Time to catch a wave or two, perhaps, or to indulge in some beach therapy.
It is a unique way to improve health. Dance not only give us happiness but also improves health on both mental and physical level. Dance strengthens the heart, lungs and body muscles. It decreases the risk of osteoporosis by making the bones strong. One can naturally lose weight with the aid of dancing. It gives you confidence, improves your self-esteem and social outlook. It enhances the function of mind and the nervous system.

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