Friday, 31 July 2015

Indian System of Medicines - Ayurvedic Therapy



An ancient traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda is considered to be the oldest system of health care, with literature going back 5000 years and an oral tradition that is much older. This healing system has been practiced in daily life in India for more than 5000 years. 'Ayur' means 'Life' and 'Veda' means 'Science'. Thus Ayurveda is the 'Science of Life'. In Ayurveda, health is a state of spiritual and physical contentment. It is a medical, metaphysical healing life science - the mother of all healing arts.
The practice of ayurveda is designed to promote human happiness, health and creative growth. It is the science of daily living and this system of knowledge evolved from the sage's practical, philosophical and religious illumination which was rooted in their understanding of the creation. Ayurveda helps the healthy person to maintain health and the diseased person to regain health.
The body is made up of Tridoshas (Tri' means 'Three' and 'Doshas' mean 'Humours') - Vata is Air, Pitta is Fire and Kapha is Water. Good health means a normalcy in the Tridoshas, balance of metabolic, systemic and excretory functions, all five senses and in the mind and spirit. There are 7 constitutional doshas and each individual falls into any one of these categories They are-
• Vata
• Pitta
• Kapha
• Vata-Pitta
• Pitta-Kapha
• Kapha-Vata
• Vata-Pitta-Kapha
Vata is predominant in Old age, Pitta in the Middle age and Kapha in Childhood. According to the season, Kapha is predominant early morning, Pitta in the afternoon and Vata late at night. For good health, each person has to maintain the balance of their doshas and not aggravate it and an imbalance in them is the cause of illness. It is thus essential to identify one's body type and follow dietary regimes according to the seasonal regimes to maintain optimum health. Ayurvedic treatment helps to restore this imbalance without any side effects. This helps in several conditions including liver disorders, strokes, mental and muscular dystrophy, rheumatic and chronic conditions.


Spa-lik Ayurvedic massages can cause health problems. Authentic ayurvedic massages are done by therapists of the same gender as the patient A lot of medicated oil is used in the massage,Chosen by qualified,experienced doctor. The strokes of the massage are invigorating. The massage isideallydonewithonetherapists.Themassagecoverstheentirebodyexceptthe groin. Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage to reduce stress, performed by doctors at Suvish holistic wellness Center in pune, India.
The Ayurvedic doctor selects the ayurvedic oils based on your body type which is used in the massage. In addition to the beneficial effects of massage which reduces stress, improves circulation and relaxes taut muscles, these ayurvedic oils have a rejuvenating effect as they also help eliminate impurities. They also reduce hair-loss and dandruff, condition the scalp, and improve sleep and eyesight. This kind of oleation serves as an absolute preventive measure against many ailments related to the Vata dosha.
The massage is more effective when done by 2 therapists. There is a lot of oil used in the massage and these massages are done man-man and woman-woman only


It is the massage of the legs below the knees which improves circulation to the extremities, is beneficial for diabetics, increases joint mobility and muscle tightness and is useful in destressing. Shirodhara a continuous stream of oil is gently swayed on the forehead to relax the nervous system at SOUKYA wellness resort in Bangalore, India .


Shiro means head and dhara is a steady flow of warm ayurvedic oil which is specially selected by the ayurvedic doctor. Dhara can also be done with other ingredients like buttermilk, but they are specifically chosen as per the condition. Shirodhara involves a continuous stream of oil that is gently swayed on the forehead which completely relaxes the nervous system and calms the mind. It is very beneficial in conditions like hypertension, anxiety, insomnia and psychiatric problems and also is effective for paralysis, senile dementia and other neurological disorders and improves the memory as well.


Finely chopped herbal leaves and herbal powders are warmed in medicated oil and bundled in a poultice which is used for the fomentation massage. In cases of rheumatism and other diseases, fomentation in the affected area brings great relief. Ellakizhi promotes better circulation, relieves stress, and treats osteo-arthritis. It is also administered to those with spondylosis and sports injuries resulting from soft tissue inflammations and joint pains.


This specialised massage uses ayurvedic powders or churnas to help reduce obesity, impart mobility to the joints and strengthen muscles. The most promising benefit is an all over slimming and toning effect on the body.


A linen bag filled with churna (medicated powder) is used for fomentation, the duration of which varies according to disease conditions. This is effective for ailments due to Vata and Kapha disorders as it produces a therapeutic sweat, which relieves neurological disorders, rheumatism and arthritis.


This is a special Ayurvedic treatment to set right the degenerative changes in the retina and lens of the eyes, to strengthen the optic nerve, ciliary muscles, and to correct the refractive errors in diabetic retinopathy, etc.


Application of medicated paste on the crown of the head is called Thalam. Thalams are of various types according to the nature of the ailment.


This is a palliative treatment for ailments in the head region. It is good for diseases affecting the cranial nerves due to Vata disorders. The treatment is named after the folded piece of cloth used to cover the crown called the pichu.


This is a traditional Kerala Ayurvedic treatment meant for disorders of facial nerve and different neurological disorders of facial muscles. This is very important in treating facial palsy.


It involves holding warm ayurvedic oils on the affected areas, that help immensely in cases of lower back problems, cervical problems, arthritic knees and in cases of hypertension and cardiac related conditions. Kati Vasti, a special ayurvedic treatment for lower backache at SOUKYA Wellness resort in Bangalore, India.
• Kati Vasti This is a special ayurvedic treatment for lower backache or sciatica of different etiology. Warm ayurvedic oil is held on affected area on the lumbosacral region.
• Greva Vasti This is a special ayurvedic treatment for different kinds of neck complaints including cervical spondylitis, I.V. disc prolapses, arthrosis, etc.
• Janu Vasti This is a special ayurvedic treatment for the knee joint conditions like arthritis, tendon injuries, sprain, etc.
• Hrud Vasti This is a special ayurvedic treatment for a variety of heart diseases including angina pectoris.


Ayurveda, from time immemorial focussed on anti-aging and rejuvenation programmes to prevent disease process and to maintain an optimum healthy state. This is recommended for anyone above the age of 40 for 14-21 days anually and any one above 60 years for 21 days anually. This programme consists of different Panchakarma and other special Ayurvedic programmes based on the person's health and body constitution. An elaborate description of this process of revitalization has been described in the classical texts. According to Charaka, this miraculous change can be brought about if one goes through a prescribed 6-month course of rejuvenation. But this rigorous and disciplined process of classical Ayurvedic rejuvenation is virtually impossible in modern times.
The Ayurvedic Rejuvenatory treatment practised today is called Panchakarma.


Panchakarma therapy is performed in 3 stages:
• Purvakarma - preparatory procedures that help the body discard the toxins present in the stomach and tissues and help facilitate the toxins to move to the alimentary canal.
• Pradhanakarma - main treatment which is designed as per each individual's needs
• Paschatkarma - post treatment care includes the diet regimen and the other dos and don'ts. 'Pancha' means 'five' and 'karma' means 'action.' This five-fold purification therapy aims at correcting the imbalance of the doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha in order to maintain their inherent equilibrium. During each season of the year, one or more of the doshas accumulate, which causes an imbalance and makes the body prone to illness.
It involves five cleansing procedures:
• VAMANA - inducing vomiting specially for kapha related illnesses like asthma, coughs, chronic colds, psoriasis, acne, arthritis, diabetes and other kapha disorders. This is a painless, drug-induced emetic process.
• VIRECHANA - inducing purgation specially for elimination of Pita related toxins from the body. Here, drugs that stimulate bowel movements are induced for the expulsion of excess Pita.
• NASYA - nasal cleansing by the application of medical oils or powders. The nostrils are considered the Doorway to the Brain and nasal application of oils is helpful in conditions like allergic sinusitis, migraines and epilepsy. If the Nasya therapy has been carried out effectively, Kapha related toxins from the paranasal sinuses are eliminated and the region nourished. Due to this, the patient feels great relief in the head and clarity of the sense organs. Breathing becomes completely unobstructed which gives sound sleep at night. Olfactory improvement is also felt. Nasya is excellent for chronic sinusitis, headaches, throat diseases, chronic colds, chest congestion, epilepsy, catarrh, migraine, voice constraint, eye diseases and cervical spondilitis.
• VASTI - medicated enema is particularly good for alleviating excess Vata. Vasti's effects are directly felt in the colon, the prime abode of the Vata. With the application of a series of purifying and nourishing Vastis, the morbid doshas and other toxins trapped for long in the tissues are eliminated. This restores the equilibrium of the humours. Vasti is good for spleen disorders, colic, calculus, kidney stones and many other diseases due to a Vata disorder. It helps in chronic constipation, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, sciatica, various neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, dystrophy and atrophy of nerves and muscles. - Sneha Vasti - enema using medicated oil which remains in the colon and rectum for a short period of time to absorb the toxins and eliminate them out of the body.
• NIROOHA VASTI - enema using a special combination of herbal decoctions, paste, powders and oils. It has an effect on the nervous system to help eliminate the imbalances in Vata.
• RAKTHAMOKSHANA - to remove impurities from the blood through leech therapy or other methods.
This 5-fold treatment during Panchakarma has not only been intended for elimination of disease-causing toxins but also to replenish the tissues with nourishment. This is why it is often termed as Rejuvenation Therapy.
This therapy also combats neurological ailments like paralysis, arthritis, rheumatism, dermatological problems, and mental disorders.
Cated oil all over the body with one hand and massaging with the other hand. When administered many times in succession is found to alleviate pains and is very invigorating. This is a unique contribution of Kerala. It has also been proved to be highly effective on its own for treating diseases caused due to vitiation of the Vata humour, especially hemiplegia, paralysis, muscle spasms and other degenerative diseases affecting the muscles. This massage protects you from illnesses and builds up your immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, sexual weakness, blood pressure, nerve weakness and helps to arrest the ageing process.

Know about Ozone Therapy



If you are looking for an effective ozone therapy in Pune, then you have come to the right place. Our doctors are experts in providing the best ozone therapy in Pune. If you are wondering what ozone therapy is here is a brief detail about what is it is and the importance of going for it.
Ozone therapy is an oxygenation therapy that revolves around the theory that some of the diseases like cancer and aids are formed due to deficit of oxygen in the tissues. We all know that each cell in our body burns sugar and carbohydrates with the help of oxygen and forms energy. If there is a defect in the combination of sugar and oxygen, then it could lead to anaerobic fermentation.
Let use see this in detail. Every sugar molecule consists of carbon and hydrogen bonds that are combined with oxygen to form energy molecules; i.e carbon combines with oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and in the same way, hydrogen combines with oxygen and produces water. When there is less amount of oxygen, then it results in the production of carbon monoxide and lactic acids.
Over a period, this condition could make the blood more acidic and the cells fail to oxidize sugar. When the sugars are not oxidized, they tend to ferment and results in anaerobic fermentation. This lack of oxygen could lead to lethal diseases such as cancer. An effective way to treat this condition is to treat the tissue damage with additional medical grade pure oxygen.
Ozone therapy is one of the latest therapies in alternative medicine field. This therapy can be used to treat many types of diseases including cancer, allergies, infections, AIDS, arthritis, hepatitis, and infection. The ozone therapy is less painful and is very cost effective in treating various diseases. Moreover, when you are suffering from diseases, drinking ozonated water could help you get relief from allergies, cold sores, gum diseases, and yeast infections. Ozone therapy has fewer side effects when compared to other alternative therapies and the side effects vary from one person to another. So it is essential to take the ozone therapy under the guidance of practioners who have vast experience with ozone therapy. Our doctors are well versed in ozone therapy and can provide solution to any kind of health problems.
Ozone molecule has three Oxygen atoms. It is a highly energetic form of normal (diatomic) Oxygen molecule. Ozone is a very active and reactive form of oxygen which quickly combines with blood, lymph and other tissues of body and purifies them. Oxygen is an important factor to sustain life. Lack of adequate oxygen is known to promote cancer and many other medical diseases.


OZONE THERAPY or Anti Ageing Treatments was discovered in Germany well over one hundred years ago but did not come in common use till recently. It is now becoming more popular in various parts of world.
Ozone therapy is not enough through nose like oxygen. Exact measured quantities of Ozone gas are administered through rectum as an enema, vagina and eardrums, mixed in blood or saline infusions. Ozone gas and ozonated oils are also applied over the affected parts and ulcers for quick healing. Each treatment takes only a few minutes. No anaesthesia is required and patients can talk cheerfully during the treatment. These sessions are given two or three times weekly for total of about 15 to 20 sitting. It may be continued thereafter if needed.
SCIENCE of OZONE THERAPY: Many scientific papers have been published in the world medical literature and have confirmed efficacy, safety and simplicity of ozone therapy. Below is the gist:
• Ozone gives more oxygen to Red Blood Cells and increases their glucose uptake.
• It makes tissue cell membranes more elastic, pliable and healthy.
• It helps cells to intake nutrients efficiently and throws out waste products quickly.
• It relaxes blood vessels, capillaries and increases circulation.
• It primes White Blood Cells and makes immune System more efficient.
• It destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi and other germs thus controlling infections.
• It helps diseased cells to get rid of toxins and harmful free radicals.
• Ozone helps increases energy level in body and has anti ageing treatments effect.


Medical Ozone can positively influence or even heal a large number of diseases. This fact is confirmed by large number of scientific investigations and medical publications. As a rule, Ozone is given in addition to other therapeutic methods. It is given as complementary or supportive therapy.
Medical Ozone, when properly and responsibly handled for the correct indication, is safe, practical, effective and economic. However, like any other medical treatment, Ozone therapy is not a "cure all OZONE THERAPY: can be considered as a supportive therapy to help in following conditions:


Open leg cancer, bed sores and burns are successfully treated by Ozone in practically all cases. Clinical studies have shown that even very severe cases improve with Ozone.


Ozone Therapy gives very good results in arterial circulatory disorders characterized by sensation of heaviness and coldness and/or pains in the legs, especially while walking. (Well known s smoker's leg or intermittent claudications) Ozone Therapy has avoided amputation in large number of cases.


Ozone is used to improve weak eye sight due to age related retinal detachment. (ARMD)


Ozone shows general revitalizing capacity (including nerve and brain functions). Therefore, it can be successfully used for poor concentration, forgetfulness, general reduction in mental and physical performance, insecurity in walking (balancing problems) and clinical dizziness or vertigo. Elderly people generally experience a feeling of well being and improved quality of life.


Clinical trials have shown good results of Ozone treatments in viral conditions like herpes zoster. Herpes simplex and hepatitis C. Ozone Therapy reduces the duration of the diseases, heals more efficiently and patient is back to his normal state of well-being in short time.


Ozone Therapy, in these conditions, causes pain and inflammation and inflammation to subside. Repeated treatments are advised to maintain the improvement.


Ozone Therapy is given as a complementary therapy in addition to standard conventional treatment. It is a very good supportive treatment in Cancer Care. It produces its effects by immune activation. It produces its effects by immune activation. It reduces the side effects of the conventional methods and creates a sense of well being. It also reduces pain.


• Despite being a powerful oxidant. Ozone is able to stimulate the anti-oxidant defence system and therefore prompting a preconditioning effect or adaptability to oxidative stress.
• Free radicals generated during radiation and chemotherapy is effectively dealt with this stimulated anti-oxidant defence system.
• Ozone stimulates synthesis of various cytokines. This leads to up regulation of immune system remains in the alert state and helps enhance the effectiveness of other conventional treatments.
• Liver activation by Ozone therapy improves enzyme function and detoxification.
• In cancer there is loss of apoptosis. Free radicals generated by Ozone, induces apoptosis in cancer cells.
• Ozone leads to new vessel formation inside the tumor, increasing oxygen supply. This leads to anaerobic cancer cell death.
• It is powerful germicidal agent. It helps fight the infection caused b decreased immunity.
Ozone Therapy in CANCER is a safe and painless supplemental therapy. It has to be taken 20 sittings and followed by maintenance dose.


Causes of osteoarthritis: Mechanical forces leading to wear and tear along with MEDIATORS of pain in CHRONIC inflammatory reaction.
• Edema and inflammation leading to ischemia.
• Collagens and proteoglycanases secreted by activation chondrocytes and monocytes leading to matrix degeneration, softening and destruction of knee joint.


zone therapy is given in the form of injections under aseptic precaution around the knee (Peri articular injection for about 10 – 15 sittings) and inside the knee joint (intra articular for about 3-5 sittings)


• Photolytic enzymes and endogenous ROS are inhibited.
• Bradykinin and inflammatory PG release its inhibited.
• Release of immunosuppressive cytokines TGF – beta and IL- 10 may inhibit inflammation.
• Disappearance of edema leads to improved circulation, washing away of lactic acid and relief in pain.
• Ozone injections act as analgesic.
• Allergic stimulation of skin can reduce pain through mechanism of diffusion noxious inhibitory control.
Many other systemic as well as local diseases can be effectively treated with Ozone Therapy. Ozone Therapy can be considered as superior as a supportive therapy.

Know about Hypno and NLP Therapy



Hypnosis is an altered state of mind which gradually concentrates on the field of attention until an intensely focused, extremely alert and physically relaxed level is reached. It provides an excellent tool to access the unconscious mind where all learning takes place, where all habits are formed, where all bodily function are controlled and where all changes are initiated and sustained.
Hypnosis is not a way of taking control of people. It is a process of giving them control of themselves by helping them to notice how they can respond naturally to different situations in life and work.
As a result of ongoing scientific research on the functioning of the human brain, hypnosis has, now, become a scientifically verifiable and acceptable technique that can effectively promote and accelerate change in human behavior.
The greatest benefit of this state is that it allows us to access infinite resources that lie hidden in the deepest depths of our minds and gives us the power to create any desired change in our lives.
Hypnotic induction is an act of deliberately creating this state. It is now being taken more and more seriously as a tool that can be used in conjunction with various other drugless therapies.
Hypnotherapy utilizes the hypnotic state to encourage beneficial change to occur by addressing the client's unconscious mind. It can be very useful to eliminate negativity, control habits, promote personal development and unlock inner potential.


In modern hypnotherapy, clients need not undergo formal hypnotic induction. The hypnotherapist engages them in normal conversation on a therapeutic theme. He is able to induce a trance inside the conversation and is able to access the subconscious images and emotions that run their entire life. He, then, guides them to the best available solution that is acceptable to their subconscious mind.
This is also a non-content, non-invasive therapy where no embarrassing questions and threatening details are asked. Client is able to feel free, comfortable and at peace in this informal environment.
The AIM of hypnosis is to help you Access the unconscious mind, Improve your skills and Master your life.
• Achieve goals
• Change bad habits
• Control anger
• Empower relationship
• Set anchors
• Spin success
• Improve concentration
• Manage stress
• Promote creativity
• Resolve conflicts
• Overcome fear
• Validate self
• Enhance motivation
• Model new behaviour
• Accelerate learning
• Stack confidence
• Track resources
• Exercise emotional choice
• Relax mind and body
At Suvish holistic wellness center we create awareness among people about Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and related behavior based disciplines and help them to access the benefits of these disciplines.
We give personal, professional and therapeutic counseling, coaching and mentoring services and support to people so as to enhance the quality of human life and human development.
We profile, assess and predict the competency of people and match them against different jobs profiles so that companies can hire them with confidence.
We organize training workshops, seminars and other related programs in order to empower people and to initiate and maintain effective and lasting change in personal and professional life.
At Suvish hypnotherapy center and Institute we believe that people already have all the resources they need. We only enable them to tap their own potential to achieve their desired goals.


They found that each of their subjects exhibited specific personal patterns, behavior and thinking. It is these patterns, with their component elements, which form much of the basis of NLP. These patterns demonstrate how people achieve excellence in performance and which can be copied by others in order to replicate the achievements of high performers.
At the heart of NLP is a wide range of methods and models it offers for understanding how people think, behave and change. It offers a flexible approach which brings about positive, fast change in individuals and organizations and empowers them to adapt to an ever-shifting world.
NLP has been variously described as the technology of the mind, science of achievement and the study of success. NLP is an 'incredibly effective and enjoyable way to access the potential of our brain.

Let's know about Hydrogenperoxide Therapy



Hydrogen peroxide therapy is another oxygen-based therapy that has been used for many years in alternative medicines. As hydrogen peroxide has anti-bacterial property, it can fight against viruses, bacteria, parasites, and yeast. Apart from that, it also has many other therapeutic properties. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat asthma, high blood pressure, papilloma virus, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, leukemia, and spinal disc disease. Additionally, some doctors have concluded that hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat various forms of cancer.
Hydrogen peroxide is like a double-edged sword. It has both potential positive effects as well as potential negative effects. The concentrated form of hydrogen peroxide can in fact cause burns and serious injuries. In order to make use of its therapeutic properties, you should mandatorily consult a physician for hydrogen peroxide therapy. As ingesting hydrogen peroxide without knowing its side effects could even lead to death, you should never attempt to take hydrogen peroxide without physicians' advice.
As hydrogen peroxide act as a catalyst for various normal body functions, it can easily reduce the anaerobic bacterial infections. Most importantly, it oxidizes waste products and helps to dissolve fatty cholesterol deposits and calcium deposits. So naturally, when the fatty deposits are dissolved, the blood thins down eventually leading to free flow of oxygen. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide also improves the working of body's enzyme system.
Hydrogen peroxide can be taken in many forms including intravenous injections. But you should not attempt to ingest hydrogen peroxide without doctor's guidance or supervision. As hydrogen peroxide has some potentially varying properties for every person, you should remember to consult doctors who have wide knowledge and expertise in treatments using hydrogen peroxide.
On the other hand, once you are convinced that a doctor has enough expertise, you can safely go for hydrogen peroxide treatments. When we look at the natural composition of hydrogen peroxide, it can be easily deduced to water and oxygen. So there is nothing harm in it as such, but that doesn't negate its harmful properties.
Our team of doctors specializes in hydrogen peroxide therapy in Pune. Please talk to our physicians and once you are convinced that you can safely go for it, you can take the hydrogen peroxide therapy at our Pune centre as per your convenience. Efficient doctors who have expertise in giving hydrogen peroxide treatments can help you get cured from many common problems like blood clots, arthritis, asthma, bacterial infection, and leukemia.

What is Chelation Therapy?



When it comes to chelation therapy in Pune, our team of doctors provides the best solution. Before you to go for chelation therapy in our Pune centre, here are some details that can shed more light on chelation therapy. Nowadays we see more contamination in food, water, and air. Apart from that fast food, canned foods, fermented foods and other instant foods also contain traces of chemicals in preservatives. When we consume these types of contaminated foods, the toxin level in our body increases too. Chelation serves as


Anyway, nature has gifted all living beings, especially human beings to defend themselves with their own immune system. The immune system in our body fights naturally against foreign bodies and pathogens. But when the toxins increases beyond a limit, it suppresses the body's immune system, which could eventually lead to various diseases and illness.
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How can we remove the toxins from the body? Mild toxins can be removed by following an effective detoxification diet. But, normal detoxification techniques cannot remove harmful metallic toxins like mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, silver, or copper. When the toxins are harmful, then it becomes difficult to flush them out of the human body. Moreover, depending on the type of toxins, they could form strong blood clots, cell mutations, memory loss, weakness, strokes, and other plethora of diseases. So when you remove the harmful toxins from your body, almost all the diseases instantly vanishes.
Now let us see what chelation therapy is and how it can help you get rid off metallic toxins from your body. Chelation therapy relies on chelating agents, which can bind with metallic toxins in a form that can be easily flushed out from the body. There are various chelating agents and the type of agents to be used depends on the type of toxins a body has.


Presence of toxins in the blood could not only cause clots but could also lead to cardio vascular blockages, heart diseases, strokes, paralysis, artery diseases, arthritis, Parkinson disease, cancer, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, free radicals, cell mutation, and the list goes on.
When chelating agents are used to dissolve toxins, there is a remarkable improvement in one's health condition. The first important thing that happens is reduction in the thickness of blood and lowering of cholesterol level. This essentially removes calcified blocks.
The functioning of heart, liver, kidney, brain, and other sensory organs in your body also begins to improve when the flow of blood increases. Moreover, there is also improvement in memory power, concentration power, hearing capacity, eyesight, functioning of immune system and hormone production. Our experts provide the best chelation therapy in Pune which you can make use of to get rid off all your aliments.


Arvind Bhat   Age 75years
I was having blocks in my heart blood vessel ad suggested for bypass surgery. I was not willing to undergo surgery. Luckily I got Reference of Dr. Vikrant Laate of Suvish Hollistic Wellness Center from 1 of my friend who had already taken treatment from him. I took the chelation therapy treatment from him. Now I m living very healthy life. I thank Dr. Laate for Curing me and giving me new life.
oct 25th, 2014
Chadrakant Glanade   Age 68Years
I was fade up taking many tablets for years for blood pressure and diabetes . I m very thankful to Dr. Vikrant Laate and Suvish holistic wellness center for curing my Blood pressure, Diabetes and heart problem by Chelaation therapy and I need not take any medicine too .
oct 20th, 2014
Sushila Dere   Age 87 Years
May God bless Dr. Laate for giving me new life. I was rejected on operation table by well-known cardiologist of city considering my age and complications. I was diagnosed with triple vessel disease showing 100% blockages . Dr. Laate took up the chalange of curing me. Now I m so fit travelled independently alone 2ce to Singapore. This bonus life is gift by Dr. Vikrant Laate and Suvish holistic wellness center.
June 15th, 2014
Saurabh Gaikwad
I thank to Dr. Laate and Suvish holistic wellness center. For providing me good health with there Ayurvedic and Panchakarma treatment. I was suffering from hyperacidy and gastric ulcer from years. Was taking allopathic medicine for years, but now no medicines are needed .thanks to them 1ce again.
June 28th, 2014

Read if you have knee joint pain

I am 30 years old and I am having knees joint pain what to do?

N C Gupta

Dr. N C Gupta

Sleep on a hard bed with soft bedding on it. Spring beds, folding beds or thick matress are harmful
do hot fomantation.

Paracetamol 250mg od & sos x 5days.
Caldikind plus 1tab od x10. It may have to be further investigated.

Make sure you are not allergic to any of the medicines you are going to take.

For emergency treatment contact your nearest hospital or family doctor.

If it does not give relief in 4-5days, contact me again.
Why not discuss with me in a video conference? (facility provided by lybrate. Com)

When you catch Cough frequently.

I got catch very fast by cough and it lasts 7-8 days, it happens with me lot of time.

Mrs. Sumaiya Petiwala

Dr. Mrs. Sumaiya Petiwala

Firstly there's no lifelong cure for the common cold. Antibiotics are only effective against infections of throat and are of no use against cold viruses. Over-the-counter (otc) cold preparations won't cure a common cold or make it go away any sooner, and most have side effects. A saltwater gargle 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2tsp turmeric dissolved in a glass of warm water can temporarily relieve a sore or scratchy throat. 

To help relieve nasal congestion, try saline (pure salt water) nasal drops. If you have a throat infection, or a viral cold then Iyour doctor will prescribe appropriate meds based on your detailed assssment. Being also a general physician and registered dietitian, I prescribe both evidence based herbal as well as allopathic medicines complementing with dietary guidelines and home remedies carefully personalized for each individual patient.

Lesser known facts about breastfeeding

Three less known secrets of breastfeeding:

Dr. Jyotsna Gupta

DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), PGDHHM, MBBS · Gynaecologist ·

3 Lesser Known Facts About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is advocated to be the only best thing for a newborn. But while it is the most natural thing to do, it isn't an easy process. It is challenging and full of surprises. Researches throw up facts that surprise all. For example: breastfeeding is like a shield against breast cancer. 

Here are 3 such lesser known facts:

1. The Milk Contents - Ever wondered what your baby thinks of the taste of your breast milk. Well, the fact is that your breast milk is tailor-made for your baby. From the taste to its benefits, it is a full course meal. When the feeding begins, the milk is watery. This is to quench the baby's thirst. 

Then the consistency thickens and the milk becomes higher in fat content. This meets your baby's electrolyte needs as well as energy requirement. Want to know something more amazing? Through the day, your breasts milk's properties keep changing. By evening, it has higher sedating properties and helps the baby's body meet nutritional demands. This should explain that satisfied smile babies have when they sleep right after their feeds.

2. Variation In Milk Production - It is okay and natural if you feel you are lopsided. Many breastfeeding mothers feel that one breast is heavier than the other since it produces more milk. This is possible and happens a lot. Our body is not perfectly symmetrical between left and right. This applies to breasts as well and shouldn't be worried about. Because of this, milk production can also vary between both the breasts.

3. It causes Weightloss - Some women are known to lose their pregnancy weight by breastfeeding. Yes, this is also a lesser known fact. Breast milk happens to be a high calorie food which the baby literally sucks off the mother's body. This leads to shrinking of the mother's body.

Horoscope for August starting from 1st August 2015

Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope:

Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: Heavy workload may not allow you much of a breather, all through the month. On your own, you would wish to concentrate on your ambitions. However, you may get distracted by your surroundings. This, eventually, may affect your performance, and you may find it tough to manage everything. Stay polite and alert. Household and incidental expenses rise. Given your busy schedule, taking care of everyone and everything may seem like a task! Freshers looking for employment may remain in a dilemma, over too many options. Things may remain a little tense on the home front With the Ruler of your Sign Mars debilitated and malefic Ketu posited in your Sign, you may feel upset or irritable. Venus, the ruler of the 7th Sign from yours, shall be moving in a retrograde motion, where the North Node is already placed. This may add to troubles in your marital heaven, or even in a business partnership. If you are in a committed relationship, you may feel the need to rethink the scenario, before you take a step further. Refrain from arguments, as a misunderstanding is likely to sour your relationship, foresees Ganesha. Thankfully, your social stars are quite relaxed, and so are your health ones. Nonetheless, be watchful of your eating habits. Also, do not opt for sudden, disruptive change!

Taurus :: You shall pledge to remain on the top of your game, by being your organised best, as the month begins. However, despite your best efforts, you may see many of your endeavours hitting unexpected hurdles. Well, try not to get too agitated. Handle personal matters with utmost care and tact. Be open, friendly and diplomatic. With the Stellium of four planets in the 4th House from your Sign, you may plan a major change on the home front, but here too you may encounter delays. Try postponing certain decisions, for the time being, suggests Ganesha. Also, work to iron out the differences in relationships-for a better and conducive home environment. Work, as usual, shall be demanding, what with deadlines looming and superiors making the going tough for you. Do not let the stress affect your health, in any way. Rather, find time to rest and relax, whenever you can. For business-men, this may be a good phase for stocking up for future purposes. Otherwise too, keep working hard to get the desired results. Freshers and freelancers may have a hard time finding lucrative opportunities. Happily, in a phase where work and home may be bogging you down, financial affairs shall give you a chance to rejoice. Your planets are aligned in such a way that they will help you strengthen your financial condition during the entire month.

Gemini :: This looks set to be a favourable month, on many accounts. Jupiter-Mercury conjunction shall boost your efficiency, helping you win over everyone at professional and personal fronts. Besides, the Moon posited in your Sign, as the month begins, shall help you strive ahead intelligently. Given the support from your loved ones at home, you may plan to initiate a home renovation/ makeover plan. If you are a parent, Ganesha advises you to take it easy with your kids, who may be a little more demanding now. Monetarily, things remain fine. A few unexpected monetary gains may leave you surprised. Health-wise too, things look set to be quite satisfactory. In relationships, do not give evasive answers, or over commit. Professional matters look set to remain largely sorted. You will manage to maintain cordial relations with your boss, and their guidance shall help you perform better. However, do not get complacent or look for short-cuts. If in a business, you can expect a lot of buzz, most of it positive, affirms Ganesha. Short term trips are foreseen. Your connections will help you. For freelancers, this will be a good time too, but freshers may have to contend with not-so-attractive offers.

Cancer :: A buzzing month, bustling with activities, awaits you. Socialising, partying, love, possibly beginning of a new relationship, misunderstanding, professional challenges-all shall keep you on your toes. And, happily, the stars help you stay prepared to deal with it all. You may come across a new person, as you step out dressed to hilt, one of the nights. Even if this doesn't turn out to be a romantic involvement, you can expect it to be useful for your future progress. If married, expect happiness. However, as the month wanes, stars become a little testy, leaving you stressed. Refrain from heated verbal exchanges and pointing fingers. Or else, the relationship stress may adversely affect your health. Work-wise, gear up for handling some troubled projects. Multitasking and struggle may exhaust you. But, being slow or incompetent is not be an option, says Ganesha. Don't let any complaint or criticism affect you. In business, be ready to meet some odds. The rule of the 9th House from your Sign, Jupiter, is in a combust state, dampening your luck, so there may be some financial glitches too. But, this is just a phase, and it will pass. If you are a fresher, taking up a job that requires frequent travelling may benefit you in the long run.

Leo :: Agreed that you are brimming with energy, as the month begins. But, don't take this as a reason to try to do too many things, at a go. Focus and concentrate, even as you go about impressing all and sundry with your eloquence and ability. You may be entrusted with a prestigious task. Explore new avenues and brush up your skills. For businessmen, it will be a good time to venture into a new territory. Mid-month, if you find yourself too challenged by the looming deadlines, speak up. Get in touch with your team and seniors to try and find a mutually agreeable solution. And, you will! If you are a fresher, you may get lucky, adds Ganesha. However, all may not be hunky dory on the home front. Arguments and verbal spats, if they happen, may take an ugly turn. Be careful, or circumstances may spoil your image. Two major planets - Jupiter and Sun - posited in the 2nd House from your Sign, though, indicate guests, friends and relatives. Talking, chatting and gossiping shall keep you happy, but you will need to stay alert. Expenses remain high, but so do the returns, thus creating a happy equilibrium. However, it's you health that may suffer, owing to all the running around and family stress. Take care.

Virgo :: Issues related to family and career will retain the prime slot in your priority list. You are likely to be more confident than before, ready to take up challenges head on. The Ruler of the 10th and the 1st House for your Sign - Mercury - shall be well placed, for a better part of the month. Hence, you can expect progressive times ahead. Getting distracted, however, may cost you heavily. At work, discontent and urge to take up something new may force you to look for a suitable change. It is a good time to switch, says Ganesha. However, consider all the pros and cons before taking the major decision, suggests Ganesha. Business fraternity has a reason to rejoice, but with booties shall come the truck-loads of work. Financially, you may find it difficult to manage to rising expenses. Exercise due care and caution, while spending money. Also set your priorities right! If married, be ready to encounter phases, albeit brief, through the month that may not allow you to breathe easy. Don't complain; rather, find a good solution. Couples in a love relationship may fall prey to misunderstandings. Strive to maintain the status quo.

Libra :: Well, well, control your urge to go all out with your anger, as the month begins. Plus, distractions, of any sort, including tiffs, conflicts and angry exchanges, shall derail you from your path to success. And, indeed be careful in forming (or maintaining) friendships. Your friends may be your lifeline, but this won't be a good time to give in to their undue demands, says Ganesha. Avoid the ones who are friends just for namesake, as they may lure into shallow, pleasure-seeking activities. For a better part of the month, the matters related to career and finances are likely to remain in the forefront. Of course, there will be highs and lows, but the influence of Mars shall keep your confidence shining. At work, expect new responsibilities. This may stress you. Talk it out with your boss; he/ she will be helpful, assures Ganesha. At home, things may be stressful. Blame it on Ketu being in the House of Partnerships/ Marriage. Stay calm, and let this phase pass! In financial matters, the month will give you a chance to plan for long term savings. Overall, find time to unwind and relax, but still stay focused.

Scorpio :: Handling life goals, personal and career struggles all together at the same time may leave you breathless! But, your peculiar trait of dynamism will help you handle this period gracefully. Plus, do keep finding ways to de-stress and mingle in good company, as these pursuits shall relieve you of your stress. The mid-month may bring a phase, where you may suddenly be confronted with ground-realities and practical aspects of life. Relax! Try to cut down on dependence on others, as this will help you fly, suggests Ganesha. Keep your temper in control, at all times too, lest you hurt your personal and professional relationships. Financially, things shall remain good. Thank the well-placed Jupiter for this. However, being over-confident about your finances, or anything is a strict no. Venus, the Ruler of the House related to spouse and partnership shall be in a retrograde mode for a part of the month. Naturally, this is not good news. Career related activities may take up most of your time and energy, leaving you with little else to spend with your loved ones. Try finding a balance. And, take a good care of your health, as you may be vulnerable now.

Sagittarius :: Confident and optimistic, you shall begin the month on a good note. You may stumble a bit, as the month progresses, but strive ahead, and you shall manage to make suitable progress. Family and finances shall largely top your priority, this month. At home, your involvement with your kids, yours or a sibling's, or younger relatives may increase. You may find yourself getting increasingly worried about them, or a situation revolving around them. Be supportive, says Ganesha. This may also help you spend quality time with your loved ones at home, including your spouse. If you are married, possibility of your in-laws visiting (or you visiting them) is also high in August. Work-wise, things shall be quite busy too, especially in the month's latter half. You may feel that you are not getting due support from your seniors and colleagues. This may be true to quite an extent, but don't let this leave you disillusioned. Ganesha also foresees the possibility of unexpected expenditures, all through the month. The retrograde Venus shall be posited in Leo this month, which indicates that you will need to special care in health matters, especially if you suffer from a lifestyle or age-related disease. In love, stay sensitive towards your loved one.

Capricorn :: Love roller coasters? You better do, as this month looks set to offer you one hell of a ride-thankfully, largely pleasant and pleasurable, even if somewhat bumpy, at times. You will feel luck is on your side, as the month begins. Things will suddenly seem quite possible, filling your otherwise skeptic and conservative self with plenty of nerve and verve. Great going! But, sadly this happy ride may soon hit a bump, especially given the undue pressure from seniors at work. Don't let stress affect your performance. And, stay alert, or you may miss out on a good opportunity. The phase shall be favourable for students opting for higher studies, and freelancers who are looking for new and lucrative assignments to work on. On the home front, the rising expenses may bother you. Working in unison, along with your loved ones, specifically your spouse, towards a common cause will yield fruitful results, assures Ganesha. Health, as usual will be average. A minor fall or accident is indicated during mid-August. Take care! An elderly person in the family may require close monitoring. Emotions may run high, at times. Take to meditation to soothe your nerves. Also, remain careful when it comes to new contacts, and more so when it involves a member of the opposite sex.

Aquarius :: You shall see yourself shifting gears to work at a faster pace to accomplish your goals on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Highly determined and confident, you may be willing to take up challenges like never before! However, hurdles may be strewn onto your path by Saturn. On 7th and 8th, you may be in a rebellious mood, specifically concerning a work matter. Say what you have to, but also understand that no one is out to curb your freedom. So, refrain from making angry comments. Partnerships, in business or personal life, may see a tough time, mid-month. You may even be tempted to take a legal freeway, against which Ganesha cautions you well in advance. Domestic matters may demand your attention. You may feel worried and down, on account of a loved one/ spouse being somewhat indifferent towards you. Avoid verbal spats, and if they happen, refrain from taking the moral high ground. Stay practical and flexible. You may plan a small family trip to lighten the mood. Finances, however, may remain a concern, often becoming the bone of contention. Thankfully, things shall look up money-wise, post 20th. Whatever you do, try not to borrow heavily. And, do not initiate quarrels.

Pisces :: Staying focused shall not be too easy for you, as the month begins, given the diversions. There may also be delays and obstacles, especially in the first 10 days, which may make you confused. Take a deep breathe, and proceed ahead slowly, albeit steadily, says Ganesha. You can bank on your family's support. Spend time with your loved ones to unwind. There may be some tiffs; emotions may run high on 15th, 16th and 25th, but it won't be anything unavoidable. Money-wise, you will choose to be wise now, which is commendable. However, you may feel the planets are not supporting you. Work-wise, this may be an excellent month, given you refuse to get distracted. You may not expect a new job offer or a raise. In business, try reviving some lost and old contacts. Although, a rise in revenue is foreseen, expenses too may rise alongside. In domestic matters, you may end up spending behind an elderly member's failing health. You yourself too will need to guard against seasonal illnesses. Singles looking for companionship and commitment may have to shelve their plans for the time being. If legal issues have been your concern, avoid litigation. Try settling the issue with the help of an arbitrator or a mediator.