Friday 31 July 2015

How to maintain Liver and Kidney naturally?

How to Maintain a Healthy Kidney & Liver Naturally

How to Maintain a Healthy Kidney & Liver Naturally
The liver and kidneys help filter waste products out. Photo Creditwebphotographeer/iStock/Getty Images
The kidneys and liver are organs in your body that help to perform vital functions, such as filtration, storage of nutrients and digestion. When these organs are functioning at an optimal level, you are able to derive the most benefit from the foods you eat. Eating aDIET of unhealthy, highly processed foods can impair the functioning of the liver and kidneys and cause symptoms, such as indigestion and bloating. Fortunately, both the liver and kidneys respond quickly to a natural approach that can maintain a healthy level of functioning.

Step 1

How to Maintain a Healthy Kidney & Liver Naturally
Emphasize high quality proteins. Photo Credit Jacek Chabraszewski/iStock/Getty Images
Emphasize high-quality proteins, in limited quantities. Protein is necessary for maintaining organ function and repairing damaged tissue. If you have compromised kidney or liver function, you should be aware that eating too much protein places a strain on these organs. Higher quality protein foods include meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Lower quality proteins are those found in vegetables and whole grains but both kinds of protein are important to maintain healthy kidney and liver function. Speak with your doctor or dietitian about how many grams of protein you need daily.

Step 2

How to Maintain a Healthy Kidney & Liver Naturally
Maintain a healthy weight. Photo Credit Judith Flacke/iStock/Getty Images
Stay within your caloric range, which should be provided by your health care provider or dietitian. Anyone who has compromised kidney function should strive to maintain a health weight. Eating healthy foods throughout the day and staying within caloric guidelines can help youLOSE WEIGHT and prevent excess weight from putting a strain on both your kidneys and liver. Excess calories can impair the functioning of the liver and causes fat to be stored in the liver. Consume 15 calories for every pound you weigh as a baseline amount of daily intake.

Step 3

How to Maintain a Healthy Kidney & Liver Naturally
Limit your intake of sodium. Photo Credit Brian Jackson/iStock/Getty Images
Limit your intake of sodium. Sodium or salt is an essential mineral that is also widely used to preserve foods. Consuming too much sodium can cause an imbalance of water in your body, placing a strain on the kidneys. In addition, salt causes water retention, especially in individuals with kidneys and a liver that aren't functioning properly. The excess water can place a strain on the cardiovascular system and increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Always readNUTRITIONAL labels because sodium is often hidden in foods like frozen and canned vegetables. You should be able to get plenty of sodium naturally from the healthy foods you eat and not as an additive ingredient.

Step 4

How to Maintain a Healthy Kidney & Liver Naturally
Avoid alcohol. Photo Credit monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images
Avoid drinking alcohol which can cause significant liver and kidney impairment and damage. Alcohol destroys liver cells and can disrupt the delicate electrolyte balance the body maintains to maintain biological stability. Drinking alcohol can also cause your body to retain water in an effort to restore electrolyte balance. Unfortunately, water retention causes more impairment of kidney and liver functioning and can lead to complete organ failure if left untreated.

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