Dt. Tamanna Narang
M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition (Delhi University) · Dietitian/Nutritionist ·
6 Reasons to Have Chocolate Guilt-free!
Are you among those people who love chocolates but are overcome by guilt even after having a small bar? (Basically 99% of the human population over the age of 12!) Here's some SWEET news for you! Studies show that not only can you bite into a lusciously rich-brown bar guilt-free but also delight in the knowledge that this food fit for the gods is doing your body a world of good. Sounds unbelievable? Read on...
1. Chocolate Reduces risk of diabetes by 31%
A detailed analysis of 7 studies published in 2011 reveals that dark chocolate can lessen the threat of type 2 diabetes by as much as 31%! This is due to enhanced insulin sensitivity and improved regulation of glucose triggered by chocolate consumption.
2. Chocolate Decreases risk of strokes by 20%
These sweet delights contain flavonoids, which are antioxidants with lots of health benefits. Swedish research reveals that consumption of 45 grams of chocolate per week helps in decreasing stroke risk among women by as much as 20 %.
3. 40 cups of cocoa a week enhance your blood flow
A recent survey by Harvard Medical School among Panama’s Kuna people reveals that less than 10 percent of their population suffer from heart diseases, diabetes or cancer due to the inclusion of up to 40 cups of cocoa into their weekly diet. Fascinating isn’t it? Dr. Norman, the lead researcher opines that the nitric oxide present in cocoa dilates vessels and enhances flow of blood through your body. Could there be a better way to stay healthy?
4. Chocolate boosts your working memory speed by 30%
Recently, the University of Nottingham conducted a brain-imaging study on healthy women. This showed that flavanol-rich cocoa improved the flow of blood into the brain for 2 to 3 hours. What’s more, it’s beneficial for older people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. Plus chocolate enhances your scores on a working memory speed test by 30%.
5. Chocolate lowers risk of calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%
A recent study proved that consumption of chocolates for 2 or more times per week lowers risk of calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%. So basically, chocolate loves your heart as much your heart loves chocolate.
6. About 45 grams of chocolates keep exhaustion at bay
According to research conducted on chronic fatigue syndrome patients, an eight-week long consumption of 1.6 ounces (45 gm) of chocolate each day helps in keeping you active. The fact behind this is that chocolates help in enhancing your neurotransmitters, which in turn help in controlling sleep and mood.
So, now you might want to pamper yourself with this sinful delight. But do remember to take the path of moderation. Excess of anything… you can finish this line yourself. But do so while indulging in some good ol' Cadbury.

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