Dr. M.S Ambekar
MD - General Medicine · Sexologist ·
Effects of Sunlight on Sexual Health
Sunlight plays a significant role in enhancing the sex hormones in human blood. Sunlight has a direct impact on brain’s serotonin production, which promotes sexual activity. It aids sexual development, improved fertility, increased arousal, heightened libido, enhanced sensations.
The Sunshine Vitamin (Vitamin D):
About 80% of Vitamin D, a steroid hormone is produced in our skin due to sunlight exposure, the ultraviolet-B (UVB) exposure to be precise. Vitamin D deficiency results in low sex drive in both men and women.
For Men:
Sunlight exposure stimulates man’s libido by enhancing testosterone levels in the body.
For Women:
Vitamin D deficiency causes low estrogen levels in women. A hormone regulated by the photosensitive pineal gland, LH (luteinizing hormone), is responsible for ovulation. Inadequacy of this hormone can hamper fertility. The sun exposure also reduces the level of melatonin hormone which curbs fertility.It’s not surprising that there are higher chances to conceive during summer.
Too much exposure to the Sun in our climatic conditions can be harmful.

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