Type 2 dm is a preventable disease, when a person with a positive family history adapts a modified life style - exercising more than 1 hour every day, taking a balanced diet, avoiding excess fats (particularly deep fried foods) and maintaining weight nearer ideal body weight, there is every possibility of either preventing or postponing the onset of t2dm.
Similarly a person with t2dm should also follow a regimen of regular exercise to burn extra calories, make insulin work better and prevent adding additional weight to already existing. Regular exercise particularly out door activity gives a feeling of well being and freshness. Ideal exercise is brisk walking for at least one hour or if one can jog or run nothing like it. I am myself a t2dm patient but I do jog over 12 to 16 kms evry alternate days. I also run half marathons like scmumbai marathon since last four years, plus kaveri trail marathon at srirangpattan and bangalore marathon. Exercise for half an hour just makes you sweat a bit but does not help in loosing weight.
Hence I would advise all diabetes patients to consider out door exercise as part of their life style.
Similarly a person with t2dm should also follow a regimen of regular exercise to burn extra calories, make insulin work better and prevent adding additional weight to already existing. Regular exercise particularly out door activity gives a feeling of well being and freshness. Ideal exercise is brisk walking for at least one hour or if one can jog or run nothing like it. I am myself a t2dm patient but I do jog over 12 to 16 kms evry alternate days. I also run half marathons like scmumbai marathon since last four years, plus kaveri trail marathon at srirangpattan and bangalore marathon. Exercise for half an hour just makes you sweat a bit but does not help in loosing weight.
Hence I would advise all diabetes patients to consider out door exercise as part of their life style.

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