Dr. Sourav Agarwala
MD - Medicine, MBBS · General Physician ·
How to avoid daytime sleepiness
A lot of people, irrespective of whether they go out to work, to college or stay at home, feel sleepy during the day. Some out of fatigue, some because of having a heavy lunch and some others because they do not get a good night’s sleep. Whatever be the reason, a few exercises and some discipline can help you get rid of such sleep cravings.
Few ways to avoid daytime sleepiness are:
1. Set a routine: Try to go to sleep and wake up at about the same time every day. This resets your circadian rhythm and helps developing your sleeping pattern.
2. At least 30 minutes of workout is important for every individual. Go for walks, go to the gym, take up yoga or aerobics - regardless of the kind of exercise you are doing. When the body gets exercise, so does the brain and you are refreshed to take on the rest of the day.
3. Go to bed gadget free: Keep your books, mobile, tab, laptop and TV remote away from the bed. Stay calm and do not have heated conversations. Your nerves need calm down as you to sleep.
4. Get enough sleep: Ensure you sleep enough every night so that it doesn’t ruin your day. Night time sleep is important and adults need seven to nine hours of sleep.
5. Set consistent, healthy mealtimes.
Regular mealtimes, eating a healthy breakfast and lunch on time prevents energy deficits during the day that will help you get rid of daytime sleepiness
6. Avoid alcohol
Having alcohol in high amount may hamper your regular sleeping pattern and you may be sleepy the whole day.
7.Avoid Self-Meditation
Avoid taking sleeping pills or over the counter the drugs. There are different kinds of drugs available in the market. Some may make you sleepy the whole day due to hangover effect of the drug.
8. Consult a Physician or a sleep specialist.

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