Dt. Prachi Bansal
3 months Internship of Dietitics/Nutrition, PG diploma in Dietitics/Nutrition, M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition · Dietitian/Nutritionist ·
Benefits of Vitamin C supplements for people who exercise
Did you know that the same kind of cardiovascular benefits that an overweight person gets from regular exercise, can be derived from taking vitamin C supplements daily?
Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients that our body requires to carry out its functions properly. It protects the body from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the eyes, keeps our skin and hair healthy and most importantly it builds the body’s immunity.
Vitamin C is best known for its antioxidant properties which help in repairing tissues and helps in bone growth. People who exercise also experience wear and tear in their muscles. Vitamin C helps in healing of the muscles. It also holds the bones, muscles and other tissues together. The anti-oxidant in vitamin C also helps in healing wounds and repairing teeth, bones and cartilage. Studies indicate that intake of vitamin C supplements have proved to improve vessel function of the heart.
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