Dt. Manidipa Dey
Morning mistakes that slow down your metabolism
Slow metabolism leads to deposits of calories and increase in weight. One needs to get active to boost metabolism but when your metabolism goes slow; you face lot of health-related problems such as weight gain and resultant side-effects, stomach related problems or simply lethargy, or you may feel low on energy.
Let’s see what morning mistakes you must be making which have resulted in slow metabolism: -
1. Absence of Workout: Working is the easiest and best way of boosting your metabolism be it walking, running or cycling. All these activities result in sweating which helps in giving you desired results. Not doing any of these activities in the morning will ultimately slow down your metabolism.
2. Not eating fresh fruits and salads: Sometimes out of carelessness or lack of knowledge people do not take fresh fruits and salads which are very essential for boosting metabolism. Infact, you should make it a habit of taking fruits in the morning instead of taking parathas or heavy carb stuff.
3. Not drinking water: If your metabolism is running slow, one reason could be less intake of of water. Infact, you should start your day with at least 2-4 glasses of water. It’s the best way to start your day as it helps in keeping your body hydrated.
4. Skipping breakfast and starting your day late: If your metabolism is slow, it could also be because you are skipping breakfast or eating too less. Getting up late in the morning also slows down metabolism.
You need to concentrate on right habits to boost your metabolism, look fit and stay healthy.

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