Dt. Tania Biswas
How to overcome cravings to reduce fat
As a matter of fact, don’t push hard to avoid a craving. When your brain is giving signal that you must eat something, you should not avoid it. However, when your aim is to reduce fat, then such a craving has to be worked upon, esp. when it’s just a craving and you are not actually hungry. There are ways to achieve this.
1. Reduce stress: Stress reduction is important when you intend to reduce body fat because it has been observed that you tend to eat more and have more cravings when you are under stress. To reduce stress in your life, try regular exercising and walking.
2. Distract yourself: Whenever you get cravings, try to distract yourself so that you don’t think about eating at odd times. Go for a walk, play with your pet or engage in something that you love doing. Listening to your favourite music is one good distraction that can completely make you forget food craving keeping you away from food. Also, it will make your mood lighter.
3. Eat less but not less than your usual diet: While trying to avoid craving and reducing fat, you shouldn’t forget to take normal diet. Because lack of proper diet will make you weak which might reduce fat but will have negative effect on your health too! So, don’t forget to take balanced diet.
4. Work on controlling portions: When you are trying to avoid craving, you should also cut down on consuming more fatty food. What you need to concentrate is on avoiding craving but when it comes to your normal diet, you should take controlled portions of fatty food.
5. Get a sound sleep: Having a sound sleep will keep your eating habits in control. So make sure you sleep well so that it doesn’t disturb your eating habits.
6. Increase water intake: Take as much water as you can take because water leads to fat loss. So, when you are trying to avoid craving, drinking a glass or two of water can also be helpful in achieving your goal.
7. Take yourself away from the food: If you are living alone this is easiest. Just don't buy it! Don't carry spare cash for snacking when out, and don't even look at the section in the supermarket. This makes it so much easier. If you live with other people, just don't be around them when they start to eat tempting food. Easy!
8. Eat alternative food: You can even carry around alternatives to help if you get a craving. A low sugar free alternative is almonds and walnuts ! Not only does it provide satiety but it can keep you preoccupied for hours. An apple is also handy to munch on to keep you busy - even better!
9. A healthy breakfast every morning: The food you eat in the morning will most likely be burned off by the end of the day, so eat a breakfast like a king..lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Include protein, complex carbohydrate unsaturated fats,vitamins and minerals in your breakfast so that you don't get as hungry later in the day.

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