Dr. Yash Velankar
M.A-Philosophy, Masters in Psychotherapy and Counselling, B.A.M.S · Psychologist ·
Nail Biting – How to Keep it in Check
Nail biting or onychophagia is mostly subconscious habit triggered by stress, boredom, anxiety or depression. Nail biters acquire this bad habit in their childhood in majority of cases.
While it may seem like a fairly harmless habit, in actuality it is NOT! Nail biting habit may cause finger and nail infections, dental problems, mouth infections and also ugly appearance to your fingers and hands. Hence it becomes necessary to keep this bad habit in check. Try following ways if you wish to give up the habit.
1. Identify the causes/ triggers and fix them
As mentioned, anxiety, depression and stress can trigger nail biting. Fix these causes by practicing meditation, yoga regularly. If required and prescribed by qualified doctor, take medicines to resolve the issues.
2. Engage yourself in joyful activities
As boredom is another cause of nail biting, engage yourself in some light activities like reading good books, music, planting or anything you like.
3. Be determined
Be strongly determined to give up the habit. Keep telling yourself to stop this bad habit. Try to be aware the times when you put fingers in mouth to bite nails and stop then and there from doing so.
4. Nail strengthener
Stronger and well shaped nails will make you less tempted to nail biting.
5. Let your friends and family know
Informing your friends and family about your determination to kick the habit will help you with their watchful eyes as you might be biting nails even unconsciously.
6. Try fake nails/ gloves
Fake nails will not only enhance beauty of your nails but also will aid you to give up nail biting. If you do not wish to use fake nails, use gloves for few days to keep the habit in check.
7. Manicure
Manicure beautifies your nails giving them a bright and attractive look. Thus it helps psychologically to kick the habit as you are less likely to spoil your beautiful nails.

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