Cow Milk vs Buffalo milk - Which is More Healthy?
Cow Milk vs Buffalo milk - Which is healthier for you?
We can differentiate between the milk from a cow or a buffalo by looking at its color and thickness. While being different from one another in terms of composition and richness, both cow and buffalo milk possess properties that give them their unique nutritional value and health benefits. Including them in your daily diet can help you to stay fit and strong. Here’s a look at what they offer, and which one can be the most appropriate for you:
1. Fat content: It’s the fat content of these two milks that instantly make them different from one another. Of the two, buffalo milk has a higher percentage of fat content, which keeps your stomach fuller for a long time. On the other hand, cow’s milk is easier to digest due to its low fat content. When it comes to the fat percentage in buffalo milk, on an average it is two times more than that of cow milk. So, if the average fat content in cow milk is 3-4% that of buffalo milk is about 7-8%.
2. Protein content: Buffalo milk contains more protein in comparison ot cow milk, which can make it more difficult to digest. It comes with a protein content that is in the range of 4.2%-4.5% and is 11% higher than that of cow milk.
3. Cholesterol content: Cholesterol levels differ in both the milks, with buffalo milk being significantly lower in cholesterol. While buffalo milk has cholesterol content of 0.65 mg/g, cow milk records 3.14 mg/g of cholesterol.
Water content
Cow milk reports higher water content compared to buffalo milk. This is because it contains fewer solids with about 90% of the milk being composed of water. It’s this high water percentage that gives cow milk its hydrating quality.
4. Calorie content: Since buffalo milk comes with more proteins and fat, it has more calories. For every 100ml of buffalo milk, you consume about 100Kcals. On the other hand, cow milk contains about 70 Kcals.
If you’re on a diet to lose weight and improve your metabolic processes, cow milk would be the most appropriate option as it is low in fat, protein and calorie content. On the other hand, if you want to gain weight and strengthen weak bones, buffalo milk is what you should have daily.
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