6 Ways a Dermatology Expert Can Help You Look Younger!
6 ways a dermatology expert can help you look younger!
Wrong lifestyle choices and skin conditions tend to speed up the aging process, making one look older than one actually is. The rising air pollution and other environmental factors adversely affect the skin as well, aging it prematurely. However, in this day and age, dermatology is well equipped to control the signs of aging and make you look younger.
Here are 6 ways you might need the help of a dermatologist to reverse the ageing clock.
Reshape your nose without surgery - as we age, the nose becomes flatter and wider, changing the way we look. To tackle the signs of aging on the nose, a filler injection is used, sometimes in combination with a small amount of botox, to make the nose look younger. The injection slims down the nose and corrects in the unevenness of skin.
Alter the shape of your neck - the muscles in the neck are connected to those in the face. As one ages, the neck muscles become larger than they were originally and protrude out, pulling the facial muscles downwards. The trick here is to relax the neck muscles using a botox injection. This not only shrinks the neck muscles but remove wrinkle lines from the face.
Can take care of sagging earlobes - people have always been conscious of their ears. As the body ages, the skin and the muscles sag. This happens with ears as well. The earlobes are one of the first to show the signs of aging. Use of heavy earrings and aging, make the earlobes droop. This problem is tackled with a filler injection to each earlobe, which instantly makes the ears rounder and nicer to look at.
Can give you an even skin tone - sun tans tend to make the skin look darker than it originally is. There is nothing wrong with having dark skin, however, it does not look nice on someone who originally has a lighter skin tone.
Can prevent sagging - as the body ages, the muscles tend to expand and sag. The most prominent areas that experience sagging muscles are arms, buttocks, and thighs. There are methods to make the skin and muscles in these areas firmer, thereby preventing sagging.
Can make the wrinkles go away - wrinkles on the face are one of the earliest signs of aging. With the help of fillers and botox injections, the face lines go away, restoring the youthfulness of your skin.
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