Worst Foods Ever To Feed Your Baby! #ParentingBlunders
4 worst foods to feed your baby
At the point when your child is around six months old, you can acquaint him with a variety of foods. Giving your child a solid, balanced diet will guarantee he has the vitamins and supplements he/she needs to develop.
Do not get into the easy trap of feeding junk to make the kids happy. Never give your child foods that are high in sugar or salt. These foods are low in vital supplements and it's easy for your child to feel full after eating them, leaving less space for healthy meals.
So which foods and drinks should you limit as your baby grows?
Below is the list of the worst foods to feed your child.
1. Crisps and Crackers: Crisps and crackers are typically high in salt. Babies require just a little measure of salt: under 1g (0.4g sodium) a day until they are 12 months old. Your child's kidneys can't adapt to more salt than this, so it’s best to avoid crisps and crackers.
2. Fizzy Drinks: These beverages come with zero health benefits, and their acidic nature can harm your infant's developing teeth. Also some fizzy beverages contain caffeine, which can make your child jittery and disturb his/her sleeping patterns, giving him/her a headache as a result.
All your infant needs to drink is milk. Likewise, sugary beverages are high in calories, and can make your child overweight in toddlerhood, if given to him/her regularly.
3. Fruit Juice: Fruit juice may sound like something very healthy. However, it's advised not to give your infant fruit juice for the same reason as you should avoid soft drinks and sodas. Fruit juices are high in natural sugars and are acidic, which means they can harm your infant's teeth.
Water and breastmilk are the most suitable beverages for your infant until he's one year old.
Milk contains essential minerals and vitamins, for example, calcium, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12, which are essential for your baby’s proper growth and development.
4. Sweets and Chocolates: High sugar foods such as desserts and chocolates means are best avoided. Sugar creates acid in your child’s mouth and attacks his enamel, causing cavities and consequently tooth decay.
However, if you want to give your child sweets, feed them to him/her during meal time. The amount of saliva in the mouths increases while eating a meals. Saliva, being a natural antiseptic, neutralises the effects of the enamel attacking acid produced by these sugary delights.
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