Dt. Shreni Lalpurwala
M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition · Dietitian/Nutritionist ·
3 Healthy snack options exist, even with your favourite, local chaiwalla!
It’s extremely difficult to follow a healthy diet especially when you’re roaming outside, where no other options are available. It’s not necessary for you to feast on oil soaked, flour covered aloo samosa every time you hit the tea stall for your late afternoon tea. There are quite a few healthier options out there at your local chaiwalla.
Here's how to make your masala chai session healthy!
1. Snack on rusks
They are so much healthier than the regular flour and sugar biscuits! Made of wholewheat semolina (sooji for those of you who don’t know) rusk is extremely rich in fibre. Its Vitamin B content makes it excellent for stimulation and nerve signalling. Besides, rusk is a very viable and a delicious option for diabetics.
2. Feast on fruit cakes
Slices of fruit cakes at your local tea stall are a better option than the regular tea cake. The chopped fruits in each slice act as a natural source of sugar. Plus, they are also good ways to include a healthy intake of iron, potassium and vitamins depending on the fruit used in the cake.
3. Gorge on anda (egg) sandwiches
A lot of chaiwallas serve boiled eggs or scrumptious egg sandwiches. These are usually loaded with raw tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, and are filling. Eggs as you know are an excellent source of riboflavin, folate, vitamins B12 and A, lecithin and selenium; tomatoes and cucumbers are good for your skin. Onions increase your immunity and heal infections.

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