4 Do’s and Don’ts on Drinking Alcohol + Common Myths Busted
4 Do’s and Don’ts on Drinking Alcohol + Common Myths Busted
There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding alcohol consumption. But at the heart of all such myths is the fact that alcohol consumption and its processing depends on various factors such as age, size and gender, among others. Here are some myths on alcohol consumption that do not hold true in reality.
Myth 1: Soft liquor doesn’t get you drunk
A common misconception centres on soft liquor and its alcoholic effects. Don’t assume that drinking of soft liquors like wine or beer means less alcohol content in your blood, which means lesser chances of you getting drunk. The factor that influences your intoxication levels depends not on the type of drinks you consume but on their quantity. So, whether it’s hard liquor (like gin and vodka) or soft liquor, you could still get intoxicated.
It is best to set yourself limits so as to allow your body to process the alcohol.
Drive if you have had too much of soft liquor.
Myth 2: Having food before drinking stops the absorption of alcohol
One of the most common myths around drinking alcohol is that eating food prior to drinking stops the body from absorbing the alcohol you consume. Well, this is not true. Food can only aid in delaying the effects of alcohol from setting in. Irrespective of your size, your body’s liver is capable of only handling one drink every hour. That’s why overindulging will only bring about an increase in alcohol concentration in your blood.
To stave off the effects of intoxication and enjoy your glass of alcohol, try to have protein-rich foods before downing your drinks.
Have more than one drink every hour.
Myth 3: It’s safe to drink and be on medications
False. Having alcohol while on medication can only lead to unwanted results. This is because interaction between the properties of the medicines and the alcohol brings about an increase in the drink’s alcoholic effect. Certain drugs (like cold medicine or pain killers) are known to significantly increase the intoxication effect of alcohol.
Consult your doctor before consuming any kind of alcohol, in case of being on long-term medications.
Drink when you’re on painkillers or cold medicine.
Myth 4: You can drive after an hour of having alcohol
The truth is that alcohol concentration in your body is significantly higher after 1 hour of having your drink. This is because your body begins to process the alcohol at that hour. So, driving after an hour of having alcohol is not safe.
Get a cab for the ride back to your place.
Drive if you’ve had your drink an hour ago.
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