5 Proven Hacks to Keep Your Kids Away From Junk Food!
5 Proven ways to keep your child away from junk food
In India, 2% of urban children are obese, 8-10% are overweight and the number of children likely to be obese is on the rise. Junk food seems to be the major cause behind this recent trend.
Low in nutrient but high on calories, junk food has been found to adversely affect not only energy levels but also brain function. With junk food being easily available, it could be tough to keep your child away from it while nudging him on to eat healthily. However, there are ways in which you can keep your child away from junk food, and consequently lifestyle diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular problems etc. Read on...
1. Always keep healthy snacks easily accessible
Children have a tendency to have foods that are visible and easy to reach. So, if you have packaged foods that your child can get his hands on very easily, it’s time to remove them. From vegetables, fruits to wholegrain crackers, such healthy snack options should be within the reach of your child. Place them in easy to reach food cabinets or on the lower shelves of the fridge, so that whenever your child feels hungry, he can go straight for them rather than opting for unhealthy food options.
2. Say no to junk food when at home
You have the power to create a home environment where you can control what can be eaten and what goes into your pantry. The home should be a place where healthy food should be in and junk food should be out. This way, you get to control the amount of junk food your child has as well as present healthier alternatives to him.
3. Don’t reward your child with junk food
It is very common for parents to reward their children with junk food. This shouldn’t be done as it only makes junk food an even more appealing option for children. Instead opt for non-food rewards such as extra pocket money, or a new toy etc.
Moreover, you shouldn’t use junk food as a bargaining chip either, i.e. by telling him he can have an ice cream if he eats his vegetables first. This would do more harm than good as your child would find processed foods more appealing and healthy food alternatives less appealing.
4. Lead by example
In order for your child to eat healthily, you need to lead by example. Limit your own consumption of junk food first. If you want to take your child away from junk food, you need to be a role-model yourself. Furthermore, it is good to include your child on your plans for healthy eating as it allows them to have a say in what they would and wouldn’t like to eat instead of foodstuffs being imposed on them. Make a meal plan together to figure out healthier eating alternatives for your child.
5. Teach moderation to your child
Don’t completely ban junk food as this move can backfire. This is because, by doing so, the moment your child gets the opportunity to have junk food items, he will most likely overindulge. On the other hand, teach him about moderation and the importance of having small quantities of this type of food from time to time.
Teaching your child to eat healthily is not an easy task, but is also not impossible to achieve. With a little bit of guidance and perseverance, you can easily achieve the goal of keeping your child away from junk foods.
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