4 Shocking Things That Can Happen to You If You Drink Too Much Coffee
4 Shocking things that can happen to you if you drink too much coffee
Every morning you may require your shot of coffee (or caffeine) to be wide awake, in the evening to lessen fatigue or at night to improve focus and concentration. But like every other thing, even coffee comes with its sweet spot. Research reveals that the appropriate caffeine intake per day should be about 500-600 mgs, which adds up to about 5 cups of coffee. When you cross this limit, coffee can have several unsavory effects on your body. Sample these.
1. Heightened sensory experience
A 2009 study by Durham University revealed that individuals who have about 3 cups of coffee are 3 times likelier to see things, hear voices as well as sense the presence of imaginary beings. Hallucinations are a result of the caffeine content in the coffee, which bring about an aggravation in the physiological effects of stress. The caffeine in coffee causes overproduction of cortisol (a stress hormone) leading to heightened sensory activities.
2. Too much coffee could end up making you fatter
A study published in a reputed journal revealed the links among caffeine, cortisol, and fat storage. It disclosed that caffeine has the propensity to significantly increase the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. High levels of cortisol can bring about an increase in storage of fat around your mid-section, and can subsequently lead to obesity and other serious diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular ailments.
3. It can cause liver damage
Too much coffee can damage your liver. Results from a study indicate that individuals who consume about 2 or more cups of coffee every day were 50% likelier to develop chronic liver disease compared to individuals who drank less than a cup per day.
4. It can cause twitching of your muscles
Since coffee contains caffeine, too much of it can cause the muscles in your body to move erratically. This is because caffeine found in coffee is a natural stimulant, and can affect the nerves of your muscles adversely.
Whether it’s coffee or tea or even beer, moderation is the key to enjoying your favourite beverage to avoid the negative effects it can have on your health.
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Not only Coffee, but drinking alcohol and smoking more can also effect your health a lot. Checkout this guide to know how you can maintain your smoking habits and minimize your smoking addiction like pros.