Wednesday 30 December 2015

Best Erection Boosting Foods that Work Like Magic

5 the Best Erection Boosting Foods that Work Like Magic

Here’s a list of 5 scientifically proven foods that will significantly increase your blood flow and nitric oxide production, improving erectile quality as a result.
NOTEThese foods I’m going to share with you will improve your endolethial function, bloodflow, nitric oxide production, and they’ll help repair the arterial walls, but if you’re having low testosterone, none of this will make too much of a difference. As Low T will decrease your nitric oxide production, atrophy the internal structures of your penis, lower your libido, and cause some nasty arterial plaque. So if you’re having low T then first get that under control (here’s a simply explained 300+ page book that teaches you how to do that naturally).
So, let me introduce you to the world of erection boosting foods and 5 of the best ones right of the bat:

1. Raw Cacao Products

raw chocolate is a sex boosting superfood for menRaw cacao is a completely different thing than those Oboy’s sitting on grocery store shelves. As those “milk chocolate” powders are overly processed pieces of junk. They’re heated up to the point where all the antioxidants and nitric oxide boosting compounds are already gone.
Raw chocolate is one of the most nutritious foods in the planet and it’s been used for thousands of years among humans. It’s sad to see that our modern civilization is so blind to understand the healing benefits of this superfood, and is only processing it to create a longer shelf life and not so bitter taste.
Here’s why raw cacao will boost your sexual performance:
  • This study shows that raw cocoa products delivered a nice 5-10 point drop in systolic blood pressure. Which is without a doubt hugely beneficial for your erections as this basically means that raw cacao powder expands your arteries allowing blood to flow more freely.

  • There’s this lining inside your blood vessels called endolithium. The health and flexibility of it is greatly linked to your erectile function. The good news are that cacao in it’s raw unheated form contains these compounds called flanavols, which in this study more than doubled the amount of CAC’s (Circulating Angiogenic Cells) which are the cells linked to healthy endolethium function. So in a nutshell: Raw cacao will double the healthy cells inside your endolithium.

  • Raw cacao products are also known for their ability to increase nitric oxide production, which probably explains the above drop in systolic blood pressure
    So shoot for the raw unprocessed unaltered, unheated, organic dark chocolate or cacao powder. As it’s one of the greatest erection improving foods around.

    2. Garlic

     garlic lowers blood pressure naturally to help with erectionsDespite the fact that garlic makes your breath stink it’s still an incredible strong sex food for men.
    I have stated numerous times in the past how amazing garlic is for your testosterone levels. However that’s not all there is to this stinky spice.
    It’s also a very potent nitric oxide booster, and a potent NOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase) activator.
    Here’s why you need to eat some garlic:
  • In this study researchers found out that garlic lowers blood pressure in humans more effectively than blood pressure drugs! So what the fuck is that bullshit that you can’t use food as a medicine?

  • It’s a potent testosterone booster which of course is the root of your erections

  • In one animal study garlic was noted to increase blood flow by 15% on calfs. Researchers state that the mechanism of action is the same in humans, and that the effects could be even more remarkable in humans
    NOTEAlways try to get organic garlic and steer away from all Chinese produce as their garlic is fertilized with human waste, and this unfortunately is not a joke.

    3. Pomegranates

    pomegranates are foods that improve your erections and male sexual staminaPomegranate might just be the best erection boosting food ever.
    Researchers all over the world are astonished by their overall healing properties in the body.
    However the thing that really stands out is the fact how amazing this fruit really is to your cardiovascular system and testosterone production. As it’s been shown to dramatically increase your nitric oxide production, while it also simultaneously protects NO from free radicals and oxidization.
    What’s more is that pomegranates are also known to boost testosterone levels, and in one study this fruit also increased the activity of NOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase).
    Here’s a bit info on this natural Viagra called Pomegranate:
  • This Israeli study found out that long term pomegranate consumption led to significant drop in blood pressure

  • The same study also found out that after 3 years of drinking pomegranate juice, their subjects had reduced the plaque in arterial walls by 30% on average!

  • This same study then also found out that pomegranates increased the amount of CAC’s (Circulating Angiogenic Cells) in the endolethium, which is hugely beneficial for your erections

  • Pomegranate has also been shown to increase testosterone. The mechanism is uncertain but it’s believed to be caused by the high amount of antioxidants present in pomegranate.

  • Pomegranates also act as natural Viagra because of the fact that the fruit has shown to increase the activity of Nitric Oxide Synthase, which is pretty much the same mechanism as in all erection medications.
    NOTEAll of those study results were obtained with pure pomegranate or pomegranate juice, it’s been shown that extracts or juice concentrates contain no similar effects, and that they’re almost utterly useless as there’s no antioxidants present in them. So always try to get yourself some fresh and pure pomegranate.

    4. Spinach

    spinach is a sex boostin superfood that lowers blood pressureSpinach is incredibly rich in natural nitrates.
    Those natural nitrates will convert into artery widening nitric oxide by the actions of your tongue and gut bacteria (that’s why you shouldn’t use those mouthwashes as they flush away the bacteria needed for this process to take place).
    Spinach is also part of the food group that I call “natural steroids“, as it’s one of the richest food sources for phytoecdysteroids, such as: ecdysterone and dehydroepiandrosterone.
    Here’s some research about spinach:
  • In this study it was noted how nitrates in certain plants convert into nitric oxide in the body. Spinach was noted to be one of the strongest foods in that study.

  • Spinach is so high in ecdysterone that it actually performed better than anabolic steroids in one rat grip-strength study. Of course all of that ecdysterone will boost your natural testosterone levels in the blood which leads to better erections.

  • Spinach is also rich in minerals and vitamins much needed for your nitric oxide and testosterone production
    So according to everything above it would be pretty beneficial to stack your fridge up with organic spinach.

    5. Raw Walnuts

    walnuts to boost your eretile performance and functionAll nuts in general will work wonders for your erectile health. However there’s this one nut that is the king of them when we’re looking at nuts as erectile boosting foods.
    It’s the raw unsalted, unroasted, unaltered walnut.
    It’s incredibly high in arginine, which is an amino acid present in all nuts, and known for it’s ability to convert into nitric oxide in your body.
    It also has one successful blood pressure study on its belt.
    Here’s some study background on walnuts:
  • This study showed remarkable results as the researchers were able to drop their subjects blood pressure by 10 points only with 6-8 walnuts! That’s a huge drop, one that can’t even be obtained with medication so rapidly.

  • This study explains how arginine boosts your nitric oxide production. And just as I said above, walnuts are very dense in L-Arginine.
    So based on that, I’d say that you should consume some natural unsalted nuts, not only walnuts, but all of the other kinds too. As almost all of them do contain erectile function boosting qualities.


    Food certainly can be used as a medicine and you shouldn’t overlook these 5 erection boosting foods. As they’re also going to improve your cardiovascular health and overall health significantly.
    So the next time you’re visiting the grocery store, remember this post and stack up with these 5 erection boosting superfoods.
    NOTE: Also, don’t forget to get your testosterone levels up. Erectile function is an androgen dependent process, so without testosterone, all the blood-flow in the world wouldn’t help you out (here’s how to naturally get your T through the roof).

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