Dr. Rushali Angchekar
BHMS · Homeopath ·
Diabetes and homoeopathy -
Diabetes is a disease that affects the blood sugar levels and the utilization of sugar in the body. Glucose is important for the body to build up muscles and acts as a source of fuel for the brain functions.
In diabetic conditions, the blood glucose level is so high that it will lead to serious health problems, which may even be fatal. Diabetes is of two types, type I and type ii.
There are several treatments for diabetes and homeopathic treatment using drugs can improve the health of diabetic patients effectively and aid in achieving good control over blood glucose.
Common symptoms:
Increased appetite
Increased thirst
Frequent urination
Weight loss
Frequent appearance of boils
Slow healing of wounds
Homoeopathic medicine has been a safe and effective healing modality for 200 years. It works for treatment and prevention.
Common symptoms:
Increased appetite
Increased thirst
Frequent urination
Weight loss
Frequent appearance of boils
Slow healing of wounds
Homoeopathic medicine has been a safe and effective healing modality for 200 years. It works for treatment and prevention.
Homoeopathy and can cure 80% of each type cases within two or three years. After homoeopathic case taking, according to totality of symptoms and law of similar all physical and mental symptoms are taken and treatment is giving to the patient.
In strict homoeo treatment even insulin dependent patient [idp] can stop their insulingradually. For this weekly fbs and ppbs report is necessary. Medicines such as helonias, phos, iodum, syzygium jambolanum, cephal, (mother tincture) are used by us effectively in the treatment of all the stages of the diseases.
Often, patients come to us already under insulin replacement. In such cases we advise the continuance of the replacement ahile starting them off on our medicines. After some months, when we see a consistent control over the blood sugar levels, we taper off the conventional replacement therapy.

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