Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope:
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: You will achieve things today, not by the sleight of your hand but by your communication skills, says Ganesha. Your eloquence shall win many hearts. The stars suggest monetary benefits, but you need to guard against injury and minor ailments.

Taurus :: Ganesha sees you taking a day off from your work and immersing your self in domestic activities. A lot of time will be spent blissfully with your family folk chatting away or doing this and that. The idea of getting your interiors redone and give your house a new look will surely occur to you. Instead of doing things on your own, it is very likely you will engage a professional for the job.

Gemini :: Some of your personal belongings are very dear to you. You may have to grudgingly share them with someone else. A mild pang of jealousy may kick in. But, you are merely being protective of something very personal, so there is nothing wrong with that, says Ganesha.

Cancer :: Though your thoughts and views may be quite radical, you will be largely restrained while acting on them, portends Ganesha. You will have no problems starting a new venture or love affair, and taking the required action to keep them afloat. You'll be a Pied Piper to the women, or le belle dame sans merci (the beautiful young merciless woman) to the men.

Leo :: 'One small drop at a time fills an ocean over time'. Remember this lesson, says Ganesha, and continue to concentrate your efforts on your goal without losing heart. There may be times when you sit back and think twice, but know that all it takes is a small effort and that is what shall enable you to reach the zenith. Ganesha advises you to keep on trying, and success shall indeed come to you.

Virgo :: Meticulous as you are, hopefully you won't grudge the extra quota of domestic responsibilities that comes your way today. But then, since the work is in a more than satisfactory state, some added issues on the home front won't hurt either. Your subordinates will offer the best of their support, and you shall feel contended at the end of the day. Just remember to not nitpick unnecessarily, as is your habit, warns Ganesha.

Libra :: Ganesha says you will give more importance to your family and there may be concerns about the health of a family member. There may be news from abroad regarding the health of a close family member, which may disturb you today. Do maintain your mental balance today and remember that this too shall pass.

Scorpio :: You are all set to paint the town red as you feel romance and love creeping into your life slowly. You may bump into 'someone special' today and see love blooming for you. There are also chances of marriage proposals and meeting prospective candidates, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius :: Time to open up that can of confetti at the workplace today. Success never smelled sweeter. But you may bleed on the purchase front, says Ganesha, as in your revelry, you may just unknowingly end up shelling an extra buck or two on ordinary items.

Capricorn :: The day will be a maze of complex problems and situations, but you will find your way out in no time, says Ganesha. At work, you may love to play the leader, but that makes you accountable, for both the good as well as the poor performance of your subordinates. In all likelihood, you may be held responsible for the poor performance of your team members. But all said and done, you will set high standards for yourself, and a perfect example for others to follow.

Aquarius :: You know how to examine the nuts and bolts of every assignment or project, and it consumes your resources to a great extent. But, like a stitch in time saves nine, your meticulous planning minimises the chances of a loss or a failure, feels Ganesha. Not many are good at this, and such efficient planning gives you an upper hand over others when the competition is tight.

Pisces :: You could find yourself re-establishing contact with long lost friends abroad, possibly on matters of business. You will also likely find yourself attending social events. There is a possibility that those who are unmarried, may find their match in these social settings. Long term personal or business relationships will likely be established today, says Ganesha.
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19
Aries :: You will achieve things today, not by the sleight of your hand but by your communication skills, says Ganesha. Your eloquence shall win many hearts. The stars suggest monetary benefits, but you need to guard against injury and minor ailments.
Taurus :: Ganesha sees you taking a day off from your work and immersing your self in domestic activities. A lot of time will be spent blissfully with your family folk chatting away or doing this and that. The idea of getting your interiors redone and give your house a new look will surely occur to you. Instead of doing things on your own, it is very likely you will engage a professional for the job.
Gemini :: Some of your personal belongings are very dear to you. You may have to grudgingly share them with someone else. A mild pang of jealousy may kick in. But, you are merely being protective of something very personal, so there is nothing wrong with that, says Ganesha.
Cancer :: Though your thoughts and views may be quite radical, you will be largely restrained while acting on them, portends Ganesha. You will have no problems starting a new venture or love affair, and taking the required action to keep them afloat. You'll be a Pied Piper to the women, or le belle dame sans merci (the beautiful young merciless woman) to the men.
Leo :: 'One small drop at a time fills an ocean over time'. Remember this lesson, says Ganesha, and continue to concentrate your efforts on your goal without losing heart. There may be times when you sit back and think twice, but know that all it takes is a small effort and that is what shall enable you to reach the zenith. Ganesha advises you to keep on trying, and success shall indeed come to you.
Virgo :: Meticulous as you are, hopefully you won't grudge the extra quota of domestic responsibilities that comes your way today. But then, since the work is in a more than satisfactory state, some added issues on the home front won't hurt either. Your subordinates will offer the best of their support, and you shall feel contended at the end of the day. Just remember to not nitpick unnecessarily, as is your habit, warns Ganesha.
Libra :: Ganesha says you will give more importance to your family and there may be concerns about the health of a family member. There may be news from abroad regarding the health of a close family member, which may disturb you today. Do maintain your mental balance today and remember that this too shall pass.
Scorpio :: You are all set to paint the town red as you feel romance and love creeping into your life slowly. You may bump into 'someone special' today and see love blooming for you. There are also chances of marriage proposals and meeting prospective candidates, says Ganesha.
Sagittarius :: Time to open up that can of confetti at the workplace today. Success never smelled sweeter. But you may bleed on the purchase front, says Ganesha, as in your revelry, you may just unknowingly end up shelling an extra buck or two on ordinary items.
Capricorn :: The day will be a maze of complex problems and situations, but you will find your way out in no time, says Ganesha. At work, you may love to play the leader, but that makes you accountable, for both the good as well as the poor performance of your subordinates. In all likelihood, you may be held responsible for the poor performance of your team members. But all said and done, you will set high standards for yourself, and a perfect example for others to follow.
Aquarius :: You know how to examine the nuts and bolts of every assignment or project, and it consumes your resources to a great extent. But, like a stitch in time saves nine, your meticulous planning minimises the chances of a loss or a failure, feels Ganesha. Not many are good at this, and such efficient planning gives you an upper hand over others when the competition is tight.
Pisces :: You could find yourself re-establishing contact with long lost friends abroad, possibly on matters of business. You will also likely find yourself attending social events. There is a possibility that those who are unmarried, may find their match in these social settings. Long term personal or business relationships will likely be established today, says Ganesha.
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