Effective Treatment for Sciatica at Home – Fact or Fiction?
Sciatica symptoms– from tingling to numbness, weakness or debilitating pain in your low back, buttocks, or one or both legs – can leave you at your wit’s end, searching for anything to alleviate the pain. Missing work and missing out on activities you enjoy makes life a burden, but some sciatica treatments can be even worse than the misery of sciatica pain. If you’re been hoping for a drug-free approach, you may be interested in sciatica home treatment options. But what are they and, more importantly, do they work?
Sciatica Home Treatment
Home treatment for sciatica includes a number of so-called “remedies, ” including:
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat raw garlic or raw sauerkraut and foods rich in B vitamins
- Apply a horseradish poultice to the painful area
- Exercise
While all of these sciatica home treatments have the advantage of being drug-free and non-surgical, none of them targets the underlyingcause of sciatica. Drinking plenty of water keeps the body hydrated, which is important for overall health; however, many well-hydrated people still have sciatica. Eating garlic, sauerkraut and leafy green vegetables is also good for general health (if not your social life!), but does nothing to correct the root cause of sciatica. Folk remedies like applying horseradish to areas of discomfort may work to alleviate localized pain but, like prescription or OTC pain relievers, they don’t address the real problem. Exercise is a commonly advocated sciatica home treatment option but, unlike the other options mentioned, it can actually do more harm than good. Find out why.
Underlying Causes of Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica is not itself a condition; rather, it is the term used to describe the painful symptoms occurring in the low back, buttocks or legs, which are the areas traversed by the sciatic nerve. Sciatica results from nerve impingement somewhere along the sciatic nerve, but the origin of the problem is often related to spinal mis-alignments, disc problems or degeneration in the low back. When the area around the spinal cord narrows, it puts pressure on the nearby nerve roots, causing pain and discomfort. Bulging discs can press on nerves, and degenerative conditions like arthritis can create bone spurs that irritate the nerves.
It is well-known that bed rest generally exacerbates sciatica symptoms. So it it important to keep moving. But many sciaticahome treatment plans advocate exercising the piriformis muscle, a large flat muscle in the buttocks. The sciatic nerve runs underneath this muscle, and if the muscle is very tight, it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve. Unfortunately, stretching and exercising the piriformis and surrounding areas can put additional stress on areas of instability in the back, actually increasing your sciatica pain! Fortunately, a safe, drug-free method of treating sciatica exists.
Natural And Scientific
“Just because sciatica home treatments aren’t generally effective doesn’t mean you have to take pills or go under the knife,” cautions a busy chiropractor in San Jose.
Chiropractic safely and naturally pinpoints the origins of your sciatica pain, then gently corrects the underlying imbalances to help your body heal itself. With the misalignments taken care of, the pressure on the nerve roots is eliminated, the irritation and inflammation subside and thesciatica symptoms become a distant memory!
And, unlike medications and surgery, chiropractic has no side effects, drug interactions or painful recovery and downtime. Why not find out more by contacting one of our ChooseNatural.com sponsors today? You have nothing to lose but the pain in your back!
All of our chiropractors are kind and empathetic; they’re also highly educated and have a great deal of experience – and success – treating sciatica. Every patient is different, and chiropractors understand that the “one-size-fits-all” type of treatment offered by the mainstream medical community is not the most effective approach to healing. So when you arrive for your consultation, the doctor will talk to you about your sciatica, but more important, he or she will listen as you describe what’s going on in your body. Then you will have a thorough examination, the results of which will be explained to you in language that’s easy to understand – no “medicalese”! If the exam indicates that chiropractic will benefit you, your doctor will lay out a plan of action for targeting any areas of misalignment that are contributing to your sciatica. Then safe, gentle adjustments will be applied to these areas.
Just as each person’s sciatica treatment plan is different, so is each person’s response. Some people find complete and lasting relief after just a handful of visits, while others discover that the degeneration in their spine has created permanent instabilities that require regular “routine maintenance” to keep their sciatica symptoms at bay.
But fact is that “chiropractic has helped millions of sciatica sufferers find relief from pain simply because it works,” exclaims a chiropractor in Lake Worth. And because it works, chiropractic is now more popular than any other alternative health care approach. Chiropractors undergo rigorous education, training and licensing requirements and chiropractic is covered by most health insurance plans. Join the growing numbers of satisfied chiropractic patients who have said good-bye to their sciatica pain! Simply call one of the ChooseNatural.com chiropractors in your area today to get started on your path to natural healing.
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