Friday 27 November 2015

Dengue and Homeopathy

Dengue Fever and Homeopathic management

Dengue fever is a virus-caused disease that is spread by the bite of mosquitoes (Aedes-aegypti). This is also known as Break bone fever. WHO currently estimates there may be 50–100 million dengue infections worldwide every year*. 
Symptoms: Dengue is not transmitted directly from person-to-person. Its symptoms range from mild fever to fatigue, headache, joint and muscle aches, nausea or vomiting, swollen lymph nodes. In severe cases hemorrhage dengue fever which is characterized by fever, abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, bleeding and breathing difficulty; can be fetal due to blood loss.
Treatment: There is no specific treatment available in Orthodox medicine for dengue fever. You will needIntravenous fluids and electrolytes if there are signs of dehydration. In case of dengue hemorrhagic fever a transfusion of fresh blood or platelets can be helpful.
Prevention: Clothing, mosquito repellent, and netting can help reduce exposure to mosquitoes. Traveling during periods of minimal mosquito activity can also be helpful.
Homeopathic management: Homeopathy has been used successfully in the others countries such as India to tackle this epidemic. The selection of homoeopathic remedies depends upon the individual response to infection. In repertory there are about 25 homoeopathic remedies are mention for the treatment of dengue fever. Above all of them Eupatorium perfoliatum andEchinacea angustifolia were found most effective remedies for dengue fever and it has been widely used in 1996 during epidemic of dengue in Delhi.
Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever with Homeopathy

Normal Dengue Fever: Eupatorium perf200 or 1M can be taken once daily for three days and subsequently at least two doses a week at the interval of three to four day till the epidemic persist for the prevention of dengue fever. Furthermore Arsenic alb + Bryonia +Dengue fever + Echinacea angustifolia +Ledum pal + Rhus tox in 30 potency should be taken once in a day for at least 2 weeks.
In case of Fever: Take Aconite 1M andEupatorium 1M alternatively, after every 30 minutes immediately on start fever. Just take 3 doses of each remedy. If the symptoms persist then contact your homeopath or your physician. Above mention formula can also be use in case of normal dengue fever with more frequent intervals.
Dengue haemorrhagic fever: Ipecac +Eupatorium + Crotalis-hor + Hamamelis + Dengue fever 30 can be given five times a day and two doses a week in all the patients those who have already suffered with the dengue fever and are prone for dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Note: These remedies should be taken under the supervision of qualified homeopathic doctors. Do not neglect or stop obligatory medical care if you infected with Dengue.

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