Sunday 15 November 2015

Earwax… Good or Bad for You?

Earwax… Good or Bad for You?

Using an Ear Bud twice a week is very normal because we do not want the wax to be there in our ear. We consider it a sign of being unhygienic. But, are we doing the right thing by removing it? How often should we clean ears? Let’s see the truth behind ear wax.

1. Lubricating factor: Ear wax should not be removed! Removal of earwax will make the ear dry and dull which will result in itching. Ears need wax for lubrication and that’s the reason it’s always advised not to use cotton swabs or ear buds for removing ear wax.

2. Acts as a shield: Earwax is not as bad and dirty as we tend to think. Infact, it is good to have ear wax as it acts as a shield by saving our ears from dust, bacteria and other micro-organisms which create irritation and infection in them.

3. Cleanliness of ears could result in perforation of eardrum: When you are trying to clean up your ear, you might be pushing the wax further inside which will block your ear and that could make you have hearing problem. Perforation of the eardrum at times calls for a surgery.

4. Earwax, a natural cleanser: Earwax has got antifungal and antibacterial properties which makes it useful for the ears. It is also a self-cleanser in a way that one doesn’t have to remove wax, it automatically comes out either by getting dried up or in any other form and that’s the time you can bring it out.
Although we think that having wax in ears is bad but it’s good and healthy. Yes, you must get it cleaned every once in awhile if it’s causing irritation. It has its own way of coming out without the use of ear buds. So, stay away from ear buds as much as you can.

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